Hello hello!
First things first, thanks so much to our legions, our tremendous scores of readers! We appreciate your eyes and your comments on our stories here! Keep ’em coming (but seriously, not the eyes, we literally have a bucket of them…)
To our writers – we have extreme apologies for y’all! We’re still catching up after the holidays / the election / the end of the world as we know it, so please do accept our deepest regrets. We promise we’ll let you know about your story, and as usual, any specific questions, feel free to email us back. (Just make sure to call out your name / submission title in the subject.)
To our readers – The holidays are over! The election is over! The end of the world… wait. We’re going to get y’all some stories right soon, but in a couple of weeks or so. You see, there was a printing error, our truck that does deliveries is delayed, the Super Bowl is coming up in a couple weeks… you know, typical pitfalls of the business.
Hang tight! Comment in the comments thingy! Find us on Facebook and Twitter (@ALonelyRiotMag) and all that good stuff! We’ll be back!
-ALR Crew
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